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Celibacy Private Chat Community
1000 days celibacy Challenge – Lifetime Access
You can join Private chat Community Via below methods
1) If you are a Monk mode student in celibacy.in
2) If you are a member in https://patreon.com/celibacy
By making 1 time payment of Rs 129 using below links, Once you joined please send details to [email protected] to activate your account
(Mission of this group is At least 100 people’s cross 1000 days celibacy, Once you Join Only Post Supportive, Positive Celibacy Nofap Journey, If we Post message it must be helpful for you or Helpful for someone else.. Stay strong in Celibacy, vazhga valamudan)
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Via Gpay or Bank Transfer
[su_button url=”https://celibacyin.com/gpay” style=”flat” background=”#ef2d2e” size=”15″]GPAY – Bank Transfer[/su_button]
Dear Brothers If you done Bank Transfer or Google pay, Please send screenshot to [email protected] to activate the account